IoT and Cisco

IoT, Cisco and Jasper Acquisitions

As you know when you talk about computer networks, the first vendor that you think is Cisco. Cisco is the first vendor that provides the connection in any network. In other words the network market’s dominant network device developer and producer is Cisco.

The scenerio was like above till today. But what about in the new technology, Internet of Things? Will Cisco has the enough slice of these cake?

According to ZK Research company, %40 of the customers will go through Cisco for Internet of Things (IoT). This is high but a little low for Cisco. Because of the fact that, Cisco dominant the network market today, he will also want to get more percent of this network cake.

Jasper Acquisition of Cisco

Cisco is a dominant network company as you know. But Internet of Things is a new area and it is not only about connecting the devices but also it is about analyses, people, devices, m2m etc. With new acquisitions Cisco becomes more involved in the new technology Internet of Things. As part of these acquisitions , Cisco has purchased Jasper technology, which is an Internet of Things company.

Jasper started its life at 2004 and becomes the most important Internet of Things company till today. Jasper Technologie has more than 30 Service Providers and more thatn 3500 enterprise customers all over the world. It provides SaaS solutions. As you know SaaS is one of the key technologies in cloud computing which provides softwares to the customers and customers use this software according to subscription.

For more information about Jasper technologies, you can reach the Jasper Website.

Posted in IoT

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