Organizations Working on IoT
The Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) was launched by the European Commission to support the development of a European IoT ecosystem, including standardization policies.
AllSeen Alliance
A 180-member industry group, the AllSeen Alliance promotes widespread adoption of an interoperable peer communications framework based on AllJoyn for devices and applications in IoT.
ETSI’s Connecting Things effort is developing standards for data security, data management, data transport and data processing related to potentially connecting billions of smart objects into a communications network.
IEC 62443/ISA99
Industrial Automation and Control System Security Committee develops standards, technical reports and procedures for implementing secure industrial automation and control systems.
IEEE (including P2413)
The IEEE has a dedicated IoT initiative and clearinghouse of information for the technical community involved in research, implementation, application and usage of IoT technologies.
The European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things coordinates ongoing activities in the area of IoT across Europe.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
The Internet’s premier standards setting body has an IoT Directorate that is coordinating related efforts across its working groups, reviewing specifications for consistency, and monitoring IoT-related activities in other standards groups.
The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) has teamed up with the OIC to accelerate the delivery of an industrial grade IoT architectural framework. IIC released a reference architecture for IoT in 2015.
Internet Governance Forum
IGF sponsors the Dynamic Coalition on IoT, which hosts open meetings to discuss global challenges that need to be addressed regarding IoT deployment.
Internet of Things Consortium
This industry group provides consumer research and market education aimed at driving adoption of IoT products and services.
IP for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance
Dedicated to enabling IoT, IPSO seeks to establish IP as the basis for connecting smart objects through education, research and promotion.
ISO issued a preliminary report on IoT in 2014 as well as a Smart Cities report. The group has ongoing subcommittees in both areas.
ISOC’s Internet of Food SIG
This special interest group leads discussion on the technical infrastructure standards needed for the food industry in the future.
The ITU hosted an IoT Global Standards Initiative, which concluded its activities in July 2015, followed by the formation of a new Study Group 20 focused on IoT applications.
MAPI Foundation
The Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI) s developing Industrie 4.0 for industrial applications of IoT.
OASIS is developing open protocols to ensure interoperability for IoT. The group chose Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) as its messaging protocol of choice for IoT and has optimized MQTT-S-N for wireless sensor networks. OASIS has three technical committees in IoT overseeing MQTT and two other standards, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and OASIS Open Building Information Exchange (oBIX).
Dedicated to developing machine-to-machine communications architecture and standards, this multi-vendor group is focused on telemedicine, industrial automation, and home automation. Its goal is a common M2M Service Layer that can be embedded in hardware and software.
Online Trust Alliance
This group of security vendors has developed a draft trust framework for IoT applications, focused on security, privacy, and sustainability.
Open Interconnection Consortium
OIC is defining a common communication framework based on industry standards to wirelessly connect and manage the flow of information among IoT devices. It sponsors the IoTivity Project, an open source software framework for device-to-device connectivity.
The Open Management Group
This technical standards consortium is developing several IoT standards, including Data Distribution Service (DDS) and Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) along with dependability frameworks, threat modeling, and a unified component model for real-time and embedded systems.
Open Web Application Security Project
OWASP sponsors an IoT Top Ten Project, which is designed to help manufacturers, developers, and consumers understand related security issues with its list of the most significant attack surface areas for IoT.
Smart Grid Interoperability Panel
SGIP has an effort called EnergyIoT focused on new opportunities for IoT within the energy industry. The group’s OpenFMB is a utility-led project that is incorporating common utility data models and IoT communication protocols to create an Open Field Message Bus.
Thread Group
This group of smart home vendors is developing a common networking protocol that will support IP-enabled devices in the home such as appliances, lighting, and security systems.
These societies are provided from Internet Society. Thanks to Internet Society…
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