Internet of things (IoT) are entering many areas of our lives recently. Tracking facilities also one of these areas that Internet of things (IoT) appears. Tracking any moving object or an animal, pet are all part of these tracking facilities. Especially, real-time alerting system connecting to your phone is a perfect case study of Internet of Things (IoT).
Here, Whistle offers a very useful Internet of things (IoT) wearable solution, Whistle GPS Pet Tracker. Whistle GPS Pet Tracker provides you to monitor your pet during all day. Your pets movements, health trends, current location and more.
With such a useful Internet of things (IoT) solution, Whistle GPS Pet Tracker provides remote monitoring of your pet and it is making your life easy. You can not be with your pet, but Whistle can keep you connected your pet.
What are the Offerings of Whistle GPS Pet Tracker ?
The Internet of Things (IoT) solution Whistle GPS Pet Tracker, provides many benefits to its users. Some of the benefits of Whistle GPS Pet Tracker are :
- Live GPS Tracking
With the help of a map, the location of your pet is shown quickly by Whistle GPS Pet Tracker. Whenever you need to check you pet’s location, you can go to the map section and refresh GPS. You can also check your pet’s location every every 3 minutes for the next half hour with Track section.
- Location Alerts
A notification text message or email is sent when your pet leaves its predefined custom zone. The system does this check every 12 minutes. Almost %15 of pet owners in teh world reports a pet lost and 10 million pets lost per yer. Whistle GPS Pet Tracker is a lifesaver for such situations and with Whistle GPS Pet Tracker there are many happy ending real life examples for such pet losts.
- Nationwide GPS Coverage
Your pet’s location is determined anywhere in the U.S. with the help of advanced GPS and cellular technology.
- Monitor Health Trends
Your pet’s long term healt is under control with Whistle. Its age, weight, calories, breed etc. Even, you can check the ambient temperatures, your pets’ mood.
- Tracking Progress
You can set custom goals and according to its activity, you can check these goals. Even you can check their sleep patterns. These progresses are sent to you via a message, an email or an alert. Basically, Whistle GPS Pet Tracker provides to us, the stroy of our pet’s day.
- Taking Notes
Keep track of medications, food log or make other notes of things that are notics about your pet during the day.
- Hour by hour
With Whistle’s built in accelerometer, you can tract the activity details of your pet for each day, hour by hour. You can control the graphs for each day and see what is going on in your pet’s life.
- Caretakers
Your can connect all caretakers in your pet’s life. You can find the other on Facebook, Twitter or your contact list and with the help of Whistle mobile application, all these people can track your pet’s activities. You can also share photos of your pet with your contacts.
How Whistle GPS Pet Tracker Works ?
Whistle GPS Pet Tracker is basically a kit and a mobile application combine. You can easily attach the kit to your pets collar and for the mobile application, you need only your mobile phone.
Whistle connects to the Internet over 3G only. The sensors in Whistle GPS Pet Tracker, collect the data and communicate by GPS over 3G. After, the analyzed data is showned in your Whistle mobile application.
Firstly you need to determine a custom zone for your pet and select the alarms. You can also do the other custom adjustments in your Whistle mobile application that you can download for Android and IOS for free. Lastly you can connect the other caretakers of your pet, friends etc.
Now, your pet’s tracking information is with you whereever you go.
How Can You Use Whistle Mobile Application?
To use the Internet of things (IoT) product Whistle GPS Pet Tracker, you need to download Whistle mobile application for Android or IOS. Whistle mobile applications are for free.
After downloading Whistle mobile application, you can create an account with the tap, “set up a new Whistle”. Here, you will pick a product and then type the ID exist at the back of the tracker. In this application, you can create multiple profiles for multiple pets. But for each pet, you need one ID and so, one tracker.
What is more in Whistle GPS Pet Tracker?
Whistle GPS Pet Tracker has a rechargeable battery and for full charge, only one hour is needed. With a little active GPS tracking, no charge problem up to 10 days
Whistle GPS Pet Tracker is a durable solution and ratd IP67.
Whistle GPS Pet Tracker is also a water-resistant solution.
How is Whistle GPS Pet Tracker Kit?
Whistle GPS Pet Tracker Kit has a metal surface with emobossed Whistle logo. There is also a pinhoşe that shows the battery life. Whistle GPS Pet Tracker Kit has two buttons at one side. One for battery test and on/off, and the other button is for snoozing notificaitons 15 minutes.
The device itself attached to your pet’s collar with a plastic and a rubber strap.
For more information visit Whistle
If you want to buy Whistle GPS Pet Tracker, visit below…
– Your pet really deserves this favor! –